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- Growers from the BOP, Waikato & Northland invited to compete
- Horticultural competition to find BOP’s best young talent
- Future horticulture leaders to be challenged
Do you know a talented young fruit or vegetable grower? Applications are now being accepted from across the BOP, Waikato and Northland to compete in the 2021 BOP Young Grower Competition.
By inspiring and acknowledging the talents of young people employed in the fruit and vegetable sectors, the Young Grower competition aims to both showcase the hidden talent within the horticulture industry as well as promote these skilled future leaders potential. As the Northland and the Waikato regions do not have their own competition, they are invited to join the BOP competition.
The 2021 competition, to be held on 18 February, is a fun and challenging full day event in which contestants undertake a range of horticultural related theory and practical activities. To round off the day, a gala dinner will be held where contestants participate in a speech competition and awards will be presented to the winners.
2020 BOP Young Grower winner Melissa van den Heuvel says, “The competition is an important event as it showcases the ‘up and coming’ members of the industry. It’s a great promotion of what horticulture has to offer and provides the opportunity for young people to share their passion, knowledge and skills. It is also a great way for younger people to be empowered, and to promote the industry and opportunities within it, to others looking for future careers.
“For someone looking at participating in the BOP Young Grower Competition, I would 100% recommend giving it a shot. You have nothing to lose and so much to gain by putting yourself out there and seeing what this industry has to offer.”
Cash prizes will be up for grabs for the first three places and the winner of the Bay of Plenty Young Grower 2021 receives a media and presentation development course in Auckland, all-expenses paid trip to the Horticulture New Zealand conference at Mystery Creek as well as to Wellington to compete in the national Young Grower of the Year competition.
Do you know someone who has got what it takes to be one of the best? More information on the competition, including sponsorship opportunities can be found via