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The Onramp Workshop held at Aquinas College in August, facilitated by Stand Tall, was a carefully crafted programme designed to help students in vocational pathways explore and identify their values, strengths, and interests. The workshop’s central focus was on understanding one’s potential and how it aligns with work life, rather than limiting the conversation to specific jobs or roles.
The day began with a series of group activities that aimed to warm up the students and foster self-discovery. These activities were intentional exercises meant to guide the students toward a deeper understanding of themselves. Through value identification exercises, students were encouraged to reflect on and articulate their core values—those fundamental beliefs that would guide their future career choices and align with their personal ethics.
The exploration of strengths was another key part of the morning session. In collaborative settings, students had the opportunity to uncover their inherent strengths and see how these could be applied in various work environments. This was followed by an interest mapping activity, where students charted their passions and discussed how these interests could be integrated into a fulfilling career. The morning’s efforts culminated in the students compiling a list of questions, which they were eager to present to a panel of professionals later in the day. This approach ensured that the conversations were driven by the students, focusing on the aspects of career and life that mattered most to them.
The afternoon session featured a panel discussion with five local professionals, each representing different fields. The panel included Ruth James, who spoke on technology; Craig Williams, who provided insights into finances; Bevan Wait, who shared his experiences in FMCG and e-commerce; Joseph Franklin, who discussed his journey as an entrepreneur; and Charlotte Greer, who focused on sustainability and product development. Each professional shared their career stories and the pathways they took to reach their current roles. The students listened attentively and asked excellent questions that prompted a lively discussion, allowing them to learn more from the experiences and advice offered by the panellists.
Following the panel discussion, the workshop adopted a “speed dating” format, where students were split into small groups. They rotated around the room, engaging in-depth conversations with each professional. These interactions were particularly meaningful, offering the students another opportunity to ask specific questions and receive tailored advice in a more personal manner, as well as giving them the confidence to interacting with professionals directly.
Students left with a clearer understanding of their personal values, strengths, and interests, and how these could influence their career choices. The group activities and panel interactions significantly improved the students’ ability to engage in meaningful conversations with professionals. The exposure to varied career paths broadened their perspectives on what work life can entail. Feedback from both students and facilitators was overwhelmingly positive, highlighting the effectiveness of the workshop’s structure and content.
Two students, who typically struggled with engagement, expressed their gratitude to their Learning Support Coordinator for the opportunity to participate in the workshop. Additionally, two other students, who had not known each other at the beginning of the day, discovered a shared passion for woodwork and music, leading them to plan to stay connected beyond the workshop.
The feedback from the Gateway/Star Coordinator at Aquinas College was particularly encouraging. The coordinator expressed appreciation for the time and expertise brought by the Stand Tall Onramp Programme, noting how engaged the students were, even those who were usually reluctant to participate. The coordinator shared confidence that the students would remember the advice given during the workshop and apply it in the future, expressing hope that the programme would continue in the years to come.
The Onramp Workshop at Aquinas College proved to be a valuable experience for students on the brink of their vocational careers. By focusing on personal values and strengths rather than predefined roles, the workshop encouraged a more holistic approach to career planning. The event’s success was a testament to the collaborative efforts of the facilitators, coordinators, and students. Looking ahead, Stand Tall aims to continue and expand such initiatives, ensuring more students have the opportunity to engage in similar workshops.