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Ara Rau officially launched their skills and employment hub to the public on the 18th November 2020. With the support of many local MPs, businesses, and community service providers, it was a great way to kick off an exciting community-led initiative.
Once the hub was open for business, Jay and Marissa engaged with dedicated job seekers one-on-one, to discuss some of their challenges and provide support around their CVs and job-searching efforts. The team also ran workshops to help clients better understand the importance of self-awareness and how it relates to their career pathways, as well as identify what transferrable skills mean and how important soft skills are for the employment landscape.
Since returning in 2021, Ara Rau has been busy forming the foundational services that will assist people along their pathfinding journey. In addition, the team has been connecting with different businesses, services, and training providers to discuss how they can collaboratively create and raise awareness of meaningful opportunities across Tauranga Moana.
The hub itself will become a co-location space for employers and providers to utilise; able to run workshops, information sessions or accommodate meetings, and help to centralise these opportunities for those looking to up-skill and connect.
In February, Ara Rau will be open to the public for both people seeking guidance and development, and businesses looking for support.
Among our first offerings, we are proud to be hosting Kanorau Digital: a series of free digital literacy workshops to help anyone increase their knowledge and confidence in navigating everyday technology.
Ara Rau will be also supporting the upcoming ‘Rangatahi X’ community event on Saturday 27th February. We’re looking forward to hanging out with the locals, sharing more about our services and enjoying some good kai!
If you would like to connect with the Ara Rau team, Jay or Marissa please email or head to their Facebook page.