The Journey to Inclusion: An introduction to JEDI (Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion) for Business

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The Journey to Inclusion

By Kurt Cordice, Enigmatic Global.

I began my journey to inclusion many years ago.  Being born and raised in Canada as a person of colour, I was always on the front lines of issues related to diversity and inclusion.  Over the past 30 years, I have continued on the front lines, working within diverse global and multidisciplinary teams at various levels.  I have also travelled extensively and resided in the Caribbean (St. Vincent and the Grenadines), Sweden, South Korea, and now New Zealand. 

From those years of experience, I can say with some certainty,

The journey to inclusion follows a long and challenging path.

There are no quick answers, or quick fixes.  It is a daily, weekly, monthly and annual effort at all levels of engagement.  The effort requires both personal and professional devotion and commitment.  It requires a continuum of activity that is constantly evolving and self-examining to ensure that it is true to its purpose. 

However, though the path is challenging, the rewards of the journey are significant. Increases in innovation, resilience, talent-retention and loyalty within businesses and organisations are only the beginning of potential benefits.  This is in addition to the benefits for our community and greater society, not to mention the potential for individual growth and transformative change.   If there is one thing that has been made clear as a result of the ongoing COVID pandemic, strength in these areas can make the difference between success and failure, both in business and within our communities. 

We now see our local area here in Tauranga and the Bay of Plenty growing quickly.  New businesses are moving to the area, local entrepreneurs are blossoming, and opportunities for new growth are increasing every day.  New data from the 2018 census has shown that the demographics of this area are changing quickly in favour of increased diversity.  In a local context, our ability to embrace and support our journey to inclusion, at both individual and organisational levels, is becoming more and more critical. 

Ara Rau and Enigmatic Global have teamed up to bring The Journey to Inclusion workshop to the Western Bay. This is a workshop for leaders and managers of businesses and organisations in our local area who are keen to either embrace or continue to embrace their journey to inclusion. 

As part of this workshop, participants will:

  • Explore some of the latest statistics related to the demographic changes in our local area.
  • Discuss varying interpretations of key vocabulary and terms that are often used in connection with diversity and inclusion. 
  • Have an opportunity to explore and challenge their ideas and thoughts on these sensitive subjects in a supportive environment. 
  • Be introduced to some tools and local organisations that may assist them on their journey. 

To register your interest, please contact