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Last month Priority One supported the third annual technology roadshow organised by NZTE and The Kiwi Chamber in Seoul.
Korea is the world’s 9th largest economy and recently regained the title of the most innovative country in the world in the Bloomberg innovation index – ahead of Singapore and Switzerland.
The purpose of the roadshow, which has been held virtually for the last two years, is to help NZ technology exporters better understand the opportunities that exist in the Korean market.
NZTE, the Kiwi Chamber and the Seoul Metropolitan Government will also work one on one with New Zealand businesses to find business partnership opportunities in Korea.
To read more about this event, see the article by The Korean Herald; New Zealand Tech Roadshow 2021 to foster partnerships between New Zealand and Korean technology companies.
Let us know if you’d like to find out more about how the Kiwi Chamber or NZTE can help you in Korea.