Toi Kai Rawa: Engaging Business Support Services Workshop

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Last week Toi Kai Rawa held a workshop with representatives from key organisations, both Māori and non-Māori, that provide support to our business community here in the BOP.

For many Māori in business, it is about more than just commercial success; it is about revitalising mātauranga (knowledge), tikanga (protocols), reo Māori (language), looking after Pāpātūanuku (mother earth) and bringing about positive outcomes for our community. We know that Māori business plays a key role in ensuring the social, cultural, spiritual, and economic wellbeing of our whānau and communities.

The purpose of this workshop was to unpack some of the barriers experienced when accessing business support, the needs of our Māori business owners and what is needed to support moving our Māori businesses from good to great. This workshop is the beginning of an ongoing conversation and relationship focused on how we as a collective build a stronger business support ecosystem.

Nāku te rourou nau te rourou, ka ora ai te iwi – With your basket and my basket, the people will thrive.