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We were stoked to be able to go ahead with our yia! Teacher Workshop last week, hosted again by our sponsors at the University of Waikato in Tauranga.
A small group of local teachers were inspired by our Innovation Manager here at Priority One and the University of Waikato, Shane Stuart. Due to lockdown restrictions in the Waikato region, original presenter Dr Cathy Buntting was unavailable. But as he also did for the yia! Finalists Workshops, Shane not only stepped up in our moment of need but delivered a workshop of real relevance and insight to those gathered. When a Plan B is this good, he’ll be featuring as Plan A in no time!
Shane spoke with the teachers, underlining why Priority One is so invested in yia! and sketched out the linkages to the tertiary and business sectors for students beginning their innovation journey with yia! at school. He then facilitated a discussion to share ideas on how to improve the yia! programme where increasing the number of internships available featured prominently. It all signals exciting developments ahead for the impact and reach of yia! in 2022.
The yia! team once again want to place on record their gratitude for Shane’s work in supporting the yia! kaupapa and championing innovation in our region.