Innovation – It’s in our DNA

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Inspiring rangatahi towards tech, innovation, and entrepreneurship is what Ko Maui Hangarau (KMH) is all about.

KMH is a high-powered summit featuring some of the best Māori Tech Innovators and Entrepreneurs from around Aotearoa, New Zealand.

Beginning its life as part of Tauranga’s Groundswell Festival of Innovation 2018, the aim is to awaken, inspire and ignite rangatahi (young people) into pathways in tech, innovation, and entrepreneurship.

Co-Founders Awhina Ngātuere of Toi Kai Rawa and Maori Tech entrepreneur Lee Timutimu see this event as an important vehicle to demonstrate examples of Maori drawing on their natural talents, following their passion and in turn thriving in their sectors.

“The tech industry is a fast-growing industry, Maori have an important role to play not only as participants in this sector but as agents in this space too…” said Awhina.

Supported by The Ministry of Education, KMH is in the middle of delivering four events across Aotearoa. It’s most recent event, held at Te Wānanga o Raukawa, Ōtaki Campus, saw over 150 rangatahi Maori from across the region with some travelling over two hours to attend the event.

The highlight from rangatahi was the calibre of incredible guest speakers over two sessions.

The first session included Pera Barrett (Founder & Director, Shoebox Christmas), Engie Matene (Junior Software Developer, Tauhoko Trade Me), and Evan Wilson (Head of Data Innovation, Qrious).

The afternoon session included Kaye-Maree Dunn (Director, MEA Ltd & Ahau), Te Awanui Reeder (Director, Big River Creative), and Kiwa Hammond (Tohuao/Principal Consultant, AATEA Solutions & Wairoa Digital Collective).Each speaker shared their personal story, journey, successes, and challenges, to help enlighten and inspire rangatahi of the possibilities within the tech & innovation space.

In March of 2021, two more events, of this kind, will be held in Otautahi (Christchurch) and Tūranganui-a-Kiwa (Gisborne).

Watch the live stream.

Check out Ko Māui Hangarau on Facebook.