Instep Informer | Term 3, 2022

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Kia ora,

This Instep Informer’s focus is on preparing our rangatahi with the transferable skills necessary for a job market that is changing faster than ever before.

Whilst education is about more than just career preparation, it’s increasingly important that we recognise how crucial hands-on experience and skill development is for our youth to succeed in the Future of Work. This could include a part-time job, an internship, volunteering, or a Gateway placement.

Here in Tauranga, there are also numerous fantastic opportunities for students to participate in projects or activities that will help empower and develop these transferrable skills, such as:

We encourage you to support rangatahi in taking up and actively seeking-out these opportunities, and look forward to seeing you all at the upcoming events on offer as we head into the second half of this year.

Ngā mihi nui

Greg Simmonds, General Manager Workforce and Policy